Wednesday 5 June 2013

Vitative Vanilla

Blazer - Mossimo 
Pants - lululemon 
Shirt - ??

vitative: concerned with the preservation of life

Tuesday, June 4th was my last City of Mississauga's Environmental Advisory Committee meeting! It's been a good year sitting on such an important city council committee, working with city councillors and amazing citizen members.

This isn't a super super formal committee to be on, but I still like to dress up a tad more formal than my usual day to day wear. Here I have a blue checked dress shirt, with a vanilla coloured blazer, and black yoga pants (okay these weren't super formal... but I didn't feel like wearing actual dress pants or a skirt). Please ignore the shoes, I wore them because I have a ridiculous scab blister thing on the back of my left heel and these were the only shoes I could find (that weren't flip flops) without a back part.

I like the combination of the blue and vanilla, but quite feel the black pants are a tad overwhelming. Not one of my favourite outfits, but I suppose we all have our off-days!

Work is fun! But again, no actual clothes worn on Wednesday (today, or well yesterday because I'm writing past midnight). Bye y'all! Have a great rest of the week.

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